2024 Afternoon Tea Awards

Indulging in Afternoon Tea is an exquisite British tradition that transcends mere refreshment; it's an experience of luxury, refinement, and culinary artistry. In recognition of the establishments that excel in offering the very best in Afternoon Tea, the prestigious Afternoon Tea Awards for 2024 have recently been announced, spotlighting the crème de la crème of tea experiences nationwide in the UK.

Each year, the Afternoon Tea Awards shine a spotlight on venues that epitomise excellence in tea service and hospitality. From charming tearooms to lavish hotels, these awards celebrate the mastery of the Afternoon Tea experience. In 2024, three main awards were bestowed upon the most exceptional venues, while an additional 19 venues received the esteemed "Award of Excellence."

Among the distinguished recipients of the "Award of Excellence" is our long standing partner, The Milestone Hotel & Residence, conveniently situated a stones throw from Kensington Palace in the heart of London. This luxurious boutique hotel has been a beacon of elegance and hospitality for over a decade, and we are thrilled to celebrate their continued commitment to excellence.

Celebrating 10 years of partnership with The Milestone Hotel & Residence this year, we take immense pride in curating a tea menu that showcases some of the finest teas for guests to savor. From rare single estate teas to exquisite blends, each selection has been meticulously chosen to complement the hotel's renowned Afternoon Tea service.

Our collaboration extends beyond tea selection; we are dedicated to providing ongoing support and training to ensure that every cup served at The Milestone Hotel and Residences meets the highest standards of quality and taste. Our team regularly visit the hotel for onsite training sessions, and The Milestone Hotel and Residences has also journeyed to our home in Sri Lanka to attend our esteemed University of Tea. You can see our experience in this short video

To celebrate The Milestone Hotel's well-deserved recognition at the 2024 Afternoon Tea Awards, we invite PMD patrons to enjoy our hand-picked teas in the hotel's luxurious surroundings. Simply use the link below and quote "PMDChampagne" in the special requests tab to receive a complimentary glass of champagne with your Afternoon Tea, and elevate your tea experience to new heights of indulgence.

(This offer is available to gueste enjoying Afternoon Tea before 30th November 2024. No cash Alternative. Available to guests aged 18 years and over.)

As we raise a teacup to the Milestone Hotel & Resdence and all of the other deserving recipients of the 2024 Afternoon Tea Awards, we celebrate the timeless tradition of Afternoon Tea and the remarkable establishments that continue to redefine excellence in hospitality.