Storing Teas: Simple Tips

Recently I explained how we ensure that the tea maintains its freshness at source. This week it’s about you and what you can do. 

Sometimes the easy things can make all the difference, and with storing tea that is certainly true. I am often asked how long will tea stay fresh for? The answer is that it depends on you and how you treat the tea. Here are some simple tips.  

Our tea is packed into a triple laminated foil pouch in Sri Lanka, and that seals in the freshness. However, because tea absorbs moisture and aromas that are in the air, as soon as that seal is broken the tea flavour can deteriorate. 

When storing tea here are a few good habits to bear in mind: 

1. Use a clean dry spoon. Wet spoons will transfer water to the dry leaf spoiling the flavour of your tea.       

2. After use, squeeze out the air in the packet and roll down the top or keep the lid on if you are using a tin. Reduced air equals longer freshness.   

3. Make sure you seal the zip lock at the top of the pouch. Recently I visited a commercial customer who failed to do this in their kitchen and their tea had completely lost its flavour and had to be thrown away. 

These are simple but useful and important tips to maintain the quality of PMD Tea.