Teas for Breakfast


      Whilst every English Breakfast blend is different and depends entirely on the Tea blenders preferences for the final flavour or for the desired price. Our Planters Breakfast uses teas from Sri Lanka’s western slopes of the Dimbula region. The combination of teas from various districts within Dimbula help us produce a tea that is not only bold and strong but that encompasses the aromatic Ceylon character.

      Drinkers reading the descriptions of various English Breakfast will be familiar with seeing other growing regions, Assam (for strength), Malawi (for brightness), Kenya (for price).

      The Dimbula region in western Sri Lanka was one of the first areas to be planted with coffee and converted to tea during the 1860s following the coffee blight that hit the island during the 1860s. 

      But there are other options for those who are looking to change things up at Breakfast Time.